VALE Gloria Glasser

The family of Herefords Australia member Gloria Glasser wish to notify the membership Gloria’s passing on Sunday 10 September 2017 at the age of 89 years old. Gloria was married…


Vale Peter Duffy

We regret to advise the passing of previous Past President of North East Poll Hereford Breeders Group and retired committee member of VPHA, Mr Peter Duffy, formerly of Taradale Poll…


2017 CM Hocking Scholarship

Herefords Australia invites applications for the 2017 CM Hocking Memorial Scholarship. Applications will be considered from Australian citizens who are undertaking a course of study that will be applied to…


Preferred Biosecurity Plan

Dear breeder, Please find attached the preferred Biosecurity Plan which needs to be completed (including Section 7 for Johne’s Disease) by 30 June 2017 if you wish to maintain your…


Proposed Constitution DRAFT

Dear Herefords Australia Member,  As indicated on Friday please find included in this email blast a link to the proposed constitution that has been developed in response to Pogson review.…
