By Sophie Holt
The inaugural Cootamundra Hereford Heifer Show was held on the 4th to the 6th of January 2019 at Cootamundra Showgrounds.
The Hereford heifer show was run by the Cootamundra Show Society with the assistance of the Southern NSW Hereford Breeders Group.
The Hereford Heifer Show was designed to encourage and inspire local and regional youth, as well as participants from outside the area, and provide them with a heifer show experience.
Warm conditions didn’t stop 38 competitors from coming from NSW, South Australia and Victoria, including several Novice competitors competing in their first heifer show.
Competitors ranged from 7 to 25 years of age competed in Heifer and Steer judging, junior judging and handling, grooming competitions. An educational program was also run for the competitors on Saturday.
The heifer show was held in the new Butt Manwaring Pavilion built at the showgrounds.
Heifers were judged on the Saturday by Ben Davies from Thomas Foods International, South Australia. Ben also was a presenter in the educational sessions and judged the Junior Judging. Judging of Handlers and the grooming challenge on Sunday was undertaken by Steve Carter from BlackJack Shorthorns in Tumut NSW.
The major prize for the weekend was a $1000 prize from the National Australia Bank for the Grand Champion Herdsman to be used for education purposes.
The Grand Champion Herdsman award was won by Nick Alcorn.
Champion Novice Herdsman was Jessica Neale.
The Cootamundra Hereford heifer Show was grateful for the support from many cattle breeders and businesses including major supporters the National Bank, The Land Newspaper, Herefords Australia and The Cattle Shop.
Grand Champion Handler winner Willian Van Gend with judge Steve Carter and Thomas Holt, Tondara Herefords presenting the prize.
Grand Champion Herdsman, National Bank prize winner Nick Alcorn with judges Greg Packer, NAB Agribusiness Albury and Kim Falls, Falls Transport FinleyCompetitors at the 2019 Cootamundra Hereford heifer Show