Herefords driving business resilience and sustainability in the Red Centre
Rebecca Cadzow doesn’t even turn a hair at driving a road train of Hereford steers on a 9000km return trip from paddock to feedlot. Although born and raised near Armidale,…
Rebecca Cadzow doesn’t even turn a hair at driving a road train of Hereford steers on a 9000km return trip from paddock to feedlot. Although born and raised near Armidale,…
Congratulations to Grace Collins for being awarded the 2024 recipient of the prestigious CM Hocking Scholarship. The scholarship will support Grace in furthering her studies as she pursues a teaching…
SAVE THE DATE | 3 – 5 March 2025
“We like the Herefords as they do finish with a good fat cover and we tend to get them out a bit earlier so the cattle we are sourcing today are not so much those leggy types but good, long steers with shape to fit the Coles GRAZE program for late winter onwards,” he said.
“If you want to buy good Herefords you need to go either to the Western District or the High Country for those good runs of Herefords you can put your teeth into.”
–Phil Gledhill, Elders Holbrook
Will Cotterill, left, Mountain Creek, targets the Mountain Calf Sales to source suitable autumn drop weaners to grow out for the Coles GRAZE program.
He likes the breed’s average daily gain off grass, adequate fat cover and carcase traits.
2023 Mountain Calf Sales, Ensay VIC
Mr Cotterill sources steers weighing 350-370kg liveweight to finish on improved pastures at 18 to 20 months of age.
“We are proud most of the calves here are in the Never Ever program and many of our suppliers come here to buy cattle.
“All of these cattle go into the grass-fed program, the Bass Strait brand, while in Tasmania it is Cape Grim. These cattle are nil antibiotics and no grain feeding. Most of our grass-fed product goes domestically and to the US.
“We find with the Hereford program, especially out of the mountains, there is a lot of breeding behind them. We are keen for these cattle to come into our program for the opportunity for people to buy because we know they will hang up well.
“The cattle are definitely performing for us in the chillers and on the MSA index, and we are happy to put them through our plants.
“We find that raw data is so important to the breeders when selling their calves. Having that data tells the story and that becomes part of their bull selection tools as well. Marbling is the key but there is also weight for age and the other components of the MSA system.”
– Sean Kallady, Greenham Livestock Manager, Warragul. 2024 Mt Calf Sales, Benambra VIC
“The cattle are excellent quality here and every year they are consistent – that’s why these people keep coming back. They will all be fattened for grass fed programs.”
–Anthony Delaney, Delaney Livestock and Property, Warragul, bought 300 steers of 400kg plus at Ensay for clients in central and west Gippsland and north of Melbourne.
Romsey steer finishers Arthur and Jenny Angliss source their Hereford and Hereford cross steers purely from the Ensay sale each year with the satisfaction of knowing the cattle will meet their parameters.
That is, pre-weaned grass fed and EU accredited steers with weight for age, carcase quality and ability to finish within 12-14 months to 700-750kg liveweight on the 850mm rainfall country.
Mr and Mrs Angliss supply 50-100 steers each year under the JBS Farm Assurance program and are PCAS (Pasturefed Cattle Assurance System) accredited.
“I like the Hereford temperament, they do well on our country, and the best of the Herefords are equal to any other breed,’’ Mr Angliss said.
Arthur Angliss with daughter and Grandson, Sarah and Sam Angliss; Romsey at the 2023 Mt Calf Sales, Ensay VIC
“We run two categories – the calves bought at the Mountain sales are finished within 12 months and those bought later are finished for 18-20 months.
“We need the softness, fleshing and temperament – we want to stay under three per cent dark cutters.
“We are steadily pulling away from Angus due to temperament and their orientation towards feedlot production – it does not work for us on grass.”
–Graham Osborne (left) finishes 3000-4000 steers a year on properties in west and south Gippsland for grass fed programs, sourcing many as weaned calves from the Mountain Calf Sales.
Welcome Back, Harris Farm!
We are excited to announce Harris Farm as the Naming Rights Sponsor for the Harris Farm Herefords Australia National Youth Expo for the second consecutive year! 🎉🐂
This premier event will take place from 10–13 July 2025 at Exhibition Park, Canberra ACT, and promises to inspire and support the next generation of Hereford enthusiasts and leaders.
Thank you, Harris Farm, for your continued support and commitment to the future of our industry.
Stay tuned for more updates – we can’t wait to see you there!
Entries open 16 February 2025
We are proud to announce StockCo by Heartland Bank as the Naming Rights Sponsor for the StockCo by Heartland Bank Herefords Australia 60th National Show & Sale (Wodonga)
This Diamond anniversary event will take place from 14-15 May 2025 at Wodonga Racing, Hamilton Smith Drive, Wodonga. For more information head to the Wodonga website page. We can’t wait to see you there! 🤠✨
Entries close 21 February 2025
The 26th Annual Yavenvale Sale
Wednesday 19 February 2025 | On Property | 1pm
Harris Farm Markets – Proudly sponsoring the Harris Farm Herefords Australia National Youth Expo 2024
Inspection from 10am and sale will be interfaced with AuctionsPlus starting at 1pm. Hereford Animal Listing Yavenvale 26th Annual Bull Sale
Inspections 10.30am Agent: Nutrien Ag Solutions. Horn & Poll available. Interfaced with Auctions Plus. Morning tea & lunch available.
Injemira is proud to present our Annual Production Sale. Many new sire lines are represented in 2025 with breed leading data and that Injemira stamp of carcase quality and yield.…
45 rising 2 y.o Hereford and Poll Hereford Bulls