Battalion 1st Annual Bull Sale Results
Sale date: Monday 8th July 2019 Number offered: 14 Number sold: 11 Top price: $12,000 Average price: $5545 Name of top priced animal: Lot 1 Battalion Bomber (BHEN031) Purchaser of…
DetailsSale date: Monday 8th July 2019 Number offered: 14 Number sold: 11 Top price: $12,000 Average price: $5545 Name of top priced animal: Lot 1 Battalion Bomber (BHEN031) Purchaser of…
DetailsSale date: 12/7/19 Number offered: 27 Number sold: 20 Top price: $15,500 Average price: $5,647 Name of top priced animal: Franco Napalm N150 Sire of top priced animal: Battalion Black…
DetailsSale date: 29 May 2019 Number offered: 47 Number sold: 37 Top price: $10,500 Average price: $5,400 Name of top priced animal: Quamby Plains Norseman OPCN051 Sire of top priced…
DetailsSale date: 30 April 2019 Number offered: 37 Number sold: 25 Highest price: $11,000 Average price: $5,500 Name of animal receiving highest price: Guilford Anzac N006 Purchaser of highest priced…
DetailsThe 2019 Herefords Australia Dubbo National Sale took place on Tuesday June 4 at the Dubbo Showgrounds. Ongoing drought conditions across much of eastern Australia impacted the overall clearance, however…
DetailsThe 58th annual Herefords Australia National Show and Sale was held at the Dubbo Showgrounds on June 4. This year’s show drew 56 entries from 24 breeders across four states.…
DetailsThe 54th annual Herefords Australia National Sale hit a top price of $40,000 and averaged $7079 on Thursday. Held at the Wodonga exhibition Centre on May 9, the sale drew…
DetailsThe hotly contested title of grand champion bull at the 2019 Herefords Australia National Show in Wodonga has been claimed by 14-month-old Top of the Drop champion; Tarcombe Justin P016…
DetailsSale date: 6/3/2019 Number offered: 15 Bulls 21 unjoined Heifers Number sold: 8 Bulls 21 unjoined Heifers Highest price: Bulls: 3 x $4000 Heifers: 2x $1050 Average price: Bulls: $3375…
DetailsSale date: 22/02/2019 Number Offered: 35 Number Sold: 26 Top Price: $20,000 Average price: $7041 Name of Top Priced Animal: Glendan Park Nashville N002 (H#) Sire of Top Priced Animal: Yarrandabbie…