A stud into their second year of exhibiting at the Dubbo National Poll Hereford Show took out the grand champion sash at the 2023 event with a cracking young sire.
Valley View Sandman S030 (P), a son of Injemira Anzac H006 M187, was sashed as intermediate and grand champion by judge Alastair Day, Allendale Poll Herefords, Bordertown, SA, in front of a strong crowd and online audience from around Australia.
The 23-month-old weighed 934kg and had a raw eye muscle scan of 135sqcm, rump fat of 18mm and rib fat of 10mm, and a scrotal circumference of 39cm.
Sandman was exhibited by Paul and Angela Durkin, Valley View Poll Herefords, Warialda, NSW.
The show was held at the Dubbo showground on June 6, drawing 82 junior, intermediate and senior bulls along with nine females from 29 vendors.
Judge Alastair Day described Sandman as a clear winner with structural soundness, good hip to pin, hindquarter, and paraded well.
“The bull stood out for his quality, length and soundness – he is something special,” Mr Day said.
Vendor Paul Durkin said the bull was out of Tycolah Countess, a female bought from Tycolah Poll Herefords, Barraba, and had been sashed as grand champion Hereford bull at Warialda Show at his showring debut.
Mr Durkin described the win as a thrill considering it was only the second time the stud had exhibited at Dubbo.
“My heart didn’t beat for a while out there,” he said.
The highly competitive junior classes produced LH Wagerer T023 (AI) (PP) as champion exhibited by Ross Lee, Leeway Herefords, Ootha, NSW.
The 17 month old Allendale Gambler L143 son weighed 710kg, had a raw eye muscle scan of 107sqcm, 13mm of rump fat, 9mm of rib fat, a 38cm scrotal circumference.
On BREEDPLAN the young bull had an eye muscle area of +6.4sqcm and carcase weight of +63kg.
Mr Day said Wagerer had “heaps of performance and power” with structural soundness and fertility.
“He is a clear winner with all the quality in the world, the carcase and a sirey head.”
Reserve junior champion was Grathlyn Serenity S058 (AI) (PP), an August 2021 drop son of Grathlyn Pacifier exhibited by Max Rayner, Grathlyn Pastoral Company, Hargraves, NSW.
Serenity weighed 910kg and scanned with an eye muscle area of 133sqcm, 18mm of rump fat, 11mm of rib fat and a 41cm scrotal.
Stablemate Grathlyn Santa Monica S006 (AI) (PP) was reserve intermediate champion bull. The 22-month-old son of US sire Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153 weighed 882kg, had 15mm on the rump, 10mm on the rib and an eye muscle area of 129sqcm.
Santa Monica had a moderate birthweight combined with +110kg for 600-day weight, +74kg for carcase weight and +5.3sqcm for eye muscle area.
Canberra Royal Champion of Champions winner Llandillo Soldier S42 (TW) (PP) repeated his prolific showring performance by taking out senior champion bull with Lee White, Llandillo Poll Herefords, The Lagoon, NSW, on the halter.
Soldier is a March 2021 drop son of Grathlyn Pacemaker, weighed 968kg, scanned at 18 and 12mm, had a raw eye muscle area of 131sqcm and a scrotal of 41cm.
Alastair Day described the bull as possessing a great carcase, structural soundness and weight for age.
“There is a tremendous top and hindquarter in that bull.
“It is great to see the Hereford breed can put out bulls of varying ages with carcase, structural soundness, and good fertility.”
The 26-month-old Thornleigh Mayfair S157 (P) was shown to reserve senior champion bull by Ben and Annabelle Monie, Thornleigh Herefords, Little Plain, NSW.
The Wirruna Mayfair M124 son weighed 1048kg, scanned at 141sqcm eye muscle area, 18 and 12mm, and had a 44cm scrotal circumference.
Llandillo Diana T46 (P), a 13-month-old daughter of Llandillo Principality P029, was sashed as junior champion female for Llandillo Poll Herefords.
Mr Day admired Diana’s softness, feminine head and quality udder.
Sired by Grathlyn Holyfield N019, the eight-month-old Grathlyn Queenie T018 (PP), exhibited by Grathlyn Pastoral Company, was reserve junior champion.
Llandillo Tigeress S160 (P), an October 2021 daughter Llandillo Powershift, and pregnancy tested in calf to Llandillo Soldier S42, was senior and grand champion female.
“This heifer is top of the line, structurally sound, with a beautiful strong top and great head – a really well-balanced female,” Mr Day said.
Reserve champion senior female was Grathlyn Careless R011 (PP), a September 2020 drop daughter of Grathlyn Nomination, with a thumping spring drop bull calf, Grathlyn T023, sired by Boyd Blueprint
In the Presidents Shield team of three bulls, the winner was Grathlyn with the Camilleri family, Ironbark Glen Herefords, Oberon, in second and Llandillo Poll Herefords in third.

Michael Crowley, Herefords Australia CEO, grand champion bull, Valley View Sandman S030 held by Paul Durkin, Valley View Poll Herefords, Warialda, and judge Alastair Day.

Ian Durkin, Herefords Australia chairman, intermediate champion bull Valley View Sandman S030 held by Paul Durkin, and Lucas Pascoe, Dick Smith Transport, Dubbo.

Steve Crowley presents the Dick Green Memorial Trophy, judge Alastair Day, junior champion bull LH Wagerer T023 held by Ross Lee, Lee Way Herefords, Ootha, NSW.

John Settree, Nutrien Ag Solutions, sashes the reserve senior champion Thornleigh Mayfair S157, held by Ben Monie, Thornleigh Herefords, Little Plain, NSW.

Paul and Angela Durkin, Valley View Poll Herefords, with Valley View Sandman S030 and the Evan Davies Memorial Award for grand champion bull.

John Settree, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Dubbo, sashes the senior champion Llandillo Soldier S42 held by Lee White.

Judge Alastair Day, Bordertown, SA, grand champion female, Llandillo Tigeress S160, held by Claire White, Llandillo Poll Herefords, and sashing is Del Rees, Tomingley, NSW.

Llandillo Tigeress S160, grand champion female, with Claire and Lee White, Llandillo Poll Herefords, The Lagoon, NSW.

Judge Alastair Day with junior champion female Llandillo Diana T46 held by Claire White and Paul Jameson, Elders.