Sale date: 4th May 2020
Number offered: 43
Number sold: 42
Top price: $14,000 (twice)
Average price: $7,200
Name of top priced animals: Quamby Plains Pyramid P253 (AI) (PP) and Quamby Plains President P219 (AI) (PP)
Sires of top priced animals: Wirruna Leap Forward L95 and Tobruk Maverick M11
Purchasers of top priced animals: Ridgeside Trading and Brambletye
Sale comments: We were absolutely thrilled with the result and very grateful for the support.
Quamby Plains Pyramid P253 sold for the equal top price of $14,000 to Ridgeside Trading
Quamby Plains President P219 sold for the equal top price of $14,000 to Brambletye