Michael Crowley to join Herefords Australia board
Herefords Australia has today announced the appointment of Mr Michael Crowley to the Herefords Australia Board.
Under its constitution the Herefords Australia Board can appoint up to 2 directors who meet a comprehensive skill and industry-based experience selection criteria.
Mr Crowley has over 20 years industry experience. This includes executive roles with Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), previous ownership of a cattle and beef marketing business and property management (stud and commercial operations).
Mr Crowley also holds tertiary qualifications in agriculture and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).
‘We have a responsibility to our members to ensure the Herefords Australia Board has the skills and experience needed to both effectively govern the company and to support our ambitions for the breed.
This requires current elected directors to critically assess collective skills and experience and then, in accordance with the constitution, appoint directors who can complement and enhance the Board’ said the Chair of Herefords Australia, the Hon. Trish Worth.
‘Michael Crowley has a wealth of red meat industry experience. This includes deep technical knowledge in areas such as genetics and eating quality, coupled with hands on experience gained in stud and commercial operations. Michael’s knowledge and independence will strengthen the Herefords Australia Board.’
Mr Crowley currently holds the position of General Manager, Research and Development with MLA and is responsible for a diverse number of programs, including Livestock Genetics, Meat Standards Australia (MSA), Animal Health and Welfare, Beef Productivity, and Producer Adoption.
Prior to his current position with MLA, Mr Crowley was directly responsible for Livestock Genetics and MSA and has been credited with leading programs that have delivered significant benefits to industry. These include the development of the National Livestock Genetics Consortium – attracting $100m in R&D investment – and premiums delivered through MSA, calculated to be $172m in the 19/20 financial year.
Mr Crowley will balance his duties as a non-executive director, Herefords Australia, with his position at MLA.
About the Herefords Australia Board
In accordance with sections 42 and 43 of the Herefords Australia constitution, the company must have at least 3 and no more than 10 directors of which 8 are to be elected directors, and up to 2 directors who may be appointed by the Board.
Elected directors are a member of the company (or a representative of a member of the company), who are nominated by 2 other members (or representatives of members) entitled to vote.
Appointed directors are appointed by the board of directors. The board of directors must only appoint a director who has relevant skills and experience which complement or enhance the skill and experience base of the current directors. The appointed directors must also meet one of the below criteria:
- Be registered member of a professional association or society recognised within a jurisdiction of Australia and who has at least 6 ears professional years standing; or
- Have at least 6 years’ experience at senior executive level or board level of an organisation; or
- Be a person with appropriate relevant qualifications or is held in high esteem in the industry.
The current Herefords Australia Board comprises:
- Trish Worth (Chair)
- Marc Greening (Deputy Chair)
- Mark Baker (Company Secretary)
- Sam Becker
- Geoff Birchnell
- Ian Durkin
- Mark Duthie
- Alex Sparkes