31 March 2020
Nominations to join the Board of Herefords Australia closed last Friday 27 March 2020.
The following members have nominated to join the Board:
Mr Sam Becker – Banana, QLD
Mr Sam Broinowski – Mudgee, NSW
Mr Ian Durkin – Coolatai, NSW
Mr Mark Duthie – Irvingdale, QLD
Mr Marc Greening – Book Book, NSW
Mr Scott Lewington – Uranquinty, NSW
As the number of members nominating to join the Board exceeds the number of vacant positions on the Board of Herefords Australia, an election will be held.
All members will receive a voting pack together with nominee profiles, along with the notice of the 2020 Herefords Australia Annual General Meeting in the coming weeks.
Tony Haggarty
Company Secretary
Herefords Australia Limited