Sugarloaf Creek Herefords 2nd On Property Sale Results
Sale date: Monday 24th Feb 2020 Number offered: 32 Number sold: 28 Top price: $14,000 Average price: $6,446 Name of top priced animal: Sugarloaf Pee Wee P188 Sire of top…
Sale date: Monday 24th Feb 2020 Number offered: 32 Number sold: 28 Top price: $14,000 Average price: $6,446 Name of top priced animal: Sugarloaf Pee Wee P188 Sire of top…
Sale date: 10/02/2020 Number offered: 62 Number sold: 61 Top price: $33,000 Average price: $9,224 Name of top priced animal: Yarram Star General P181 Sire of top priced animal: Yarram…
Sale date: 11/2/2020 Number offered: 36 Number sold: 22 Top price: $9000 Average price: $4659 Name of top priced animal: Glenellerslie Stavros – SGSP055 Sire of top priced animal: Devon…
Herefords have excelled in the 2020 RASV Heifer Challenge claiming the champion and reserve champion titles and a third herd making the top ten finalists. Champion pen in this year’s…
Alastair Rayner for Beef Central THE final week of January is traditionally seen as the starting point for the southern autumn bull selling season. Despite the ongoing presence of bushfires…