A number of Members have recently expressed concern that they are not receiving emails from Herefords Australia. If you are concerned that you are missing important email notifications from us, please follow this checklist:
1. Have you recently changed your email address and/or your email service provider? If so, have you advised Herefords Australia to update your email address?
2. Have you inadvertently blocked Herefords Australia emails? If so, please contact your email service provider to have our email address unblocked.
3. Are Herefords Australia emails being diverted to your “Junk” folder instead of your “Inbox” folder? If so, please contact your email service provider to have this fixed.
4. Have you or someone in your family advised Herefords Australia at some stage to stop sending emails to your address? If so, please call us and we can put you back on our email distribution list.
5. Is your email mailbox system full? Email systems have a limited capacity to store emails; if you have not cleared your “Inbox” or “Deleted Items” folders for some time, this may be limiting new emails being delivered to you. Contact your email service provider to check if your email system is at full capacity.
If you are still not sure that you are receiving Herefords Australia emails, pleased call the office on (02) 6772 1399 and we can do a test email to your email address for you.