Sale Date: Saturday 2nd November 2019
Number Offered: 20 Females
Number Sold: 17/20 Females
Highest Price: $3050.00
Average Price: $1481.00
Name of Animal Receiving Highest Price: Lot 12 – Mondeo Viola N006 (P). Owned by A & C McDonald – Mondeo Poll Herefords.
Purchaser of Highest Priced Female: Arthur and Michelle Hawkins of Paddington Green Herefords – Hinton NSW.
Once more, we had a smaller offering we decided to go with lesser numbers due to the current drought and fire conditions affecting most of our country at the present time. This year our sale received an 85% clearance rate. Bowe and Lidbury were very pleased with the clearance rate of our sale considering the conditions most of our country is presently facing. The agents were most impressed with the prices of the females achieved in this hard season. Buyers came from mainly the south of the state, Central Coast, Sydney area and we yet again had great local support from our locals and repeat buyers. Unfortunately, this year we didn’t receive our usual spring rain in the lead up to our sale as previous years.
Cows and Calves sold to a top of $3050.00 for Lot 12.
PTIC Females sold to a top of $1500 for Lot 2.
Heifers sold to a top of $1900 for Lot 16.
Once again, the females were judged in their 3 respective age group classes. Our judge for this year’s sale was Tom Nixon from Devon Court Herefords Drillham, Queensland.
Senior Champion Female: Lot 7 – Ivybank Magic L12 (P) with bull calf at foot. Sold for $2300.00.
Intermediate Champion Female: Lot 10 Ivybank Magic M049 with bull calf at foot. Sold for $2300.00.
Junior Champion Female: Lot 20 – Riverwood Lass P042 (AI) (P). Sold for $1100.