Dear SBTS Stakeholders,
As you may be aware, in 2017 SBTS will be running 14 Regional Forums around Australia.
Click here for registration forms and more information.
The Regional Forums will be held on the following dates in the following locations:
The program has been designed to cover a number of important topics for BREEDPLAN
members. Non-BREEDPLAN members are also welcome to attend.
The cost to attend is $35 per person (GST Inclusive) for those that are members of SBTS
or TBTS Stakeholder Breed Societies, and $70 per person (GST Inclusive) for those that are not members of SBTS or TBTS Stakeholder Breed Societies. This fee will cover the cost of morning tea and lunch (which will be provided) and the attendee packs.
The Regional Forums have been advertised in the Summer 2016 SBTS & TBTS Update which was made available earlier this week, and also on the SBTS & TBTS Social Media pages.
Details are also available on both the SBTS and TBTS websites. However, I would also encourage you to advertise the upcoming Regional Forums to your members via your own mailing lists, upcoming publications (e.g. newsletters and magazines) and social media accounts.
Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding the Regional Forums.
Kind regards,
Catriona Millen
Technical Officer
Southern Beef Technology Services
ABRI, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351
Ph: (02) 6773 3357
Mob: 0409 102 644
Fax: (02) 6772 5376