Sale Date: 2nd September 2021
No. Offered: 44
No. sold: 41
Average Price: $7,230
Top Price: $18,000
Name of Top Price Bull: Elite Validated Q131
Sire of top Priced Bull: EFBeef BR Validated B413 (Imp USA)
Purchaser of Top Priced Bull: Tarcombe Herefords, Ruffy, Vic.
Comments: A pleasing result from an increased offering. A large percentage of sales were online from NSW, Vic., SA and Tas. All bulls offered had positive calving ease and well above average carcase attributes which were appreciated by repeat and new clients, both stud and commercial producers. A feature of the entire catalogue of bulls offered was their consistency of performance, the plea of feedlotters and processors.
Elite Validated Q131 sold for $18,000 to Tarcombe Herefords.