Sale date: 15/9/17
Offered: 71
Sold: 66 to $16,000 twice and averaged $7,100
18 x yearlings sold to $10,000 (lot 38 – SBT Waterhouse M020) and averaged $6,200
46 x Two year olds sold to $16,000 for Sevenbardot King Kong L142 and Sevenbardot Ripstop L118 and averaged $7,500
Sire of Top Price Animal: Wynella King Kong H018 and Mawarra Little Rippa H418
Purchaser of Top Price Animal: Raddon Reynolds Crookwell / Bruce Stanniforth Condobolin
Sale Comments: A cracking sale considering the season with solid from loyal long time clients. Cadzows Mount Riddock NT 9 lots, John Poulsen Dirranbandi Qld 8 Lots all going to King Island, The Cuan Scone NSW 6 Lots, Andrew Ferguson Dirranbandi Qld 5 Lots and Andrew Henning Glenmorgan Qld 4 Lots and Brad Hurley, Bruce Stanniforth,Phil Harding, Lex Sanderson and Terry Reardon all from Condobolin 13 Lots
Thank you to all buyers and underbidders for your very solid and loyal support.
The Gunn Family