Dear members,
I hope this edition of the Herefords Australia eNews finds you well! There have been some decent falls of rain in areas in great need which is great to see. Not everyone has had the same break in the season however hopefully there has been enough to make a material difference in the livestock market. I have also heard that a lot of beef on international markets is working its way through the system which creates a brighter market outlook for 2024. As I mentioned in my previous note, there is some additional processing capacity coming online over the coming months which will also help with open up market opportunities for Hereford cattle. Greenhams expansion, AMG in Cootamundra, TFI at Murray Bridge and Kilcoy reopening Lance Creek. Further north, JBS are putting on a second shift at Dinmore. This won’t come online until the second quarter as finding 850 new staff to run the shift will take time, however all positive moves.
Commercial opportunities for Hereford and Hereford cross cattle continues to be my focus. I have been visiting a range of customers – mostly processors who are creating brands that are outcome based. There are many options available to us across grass and grain fed markets however we need to make sure we understand the specifications that create market pull through. We need to get behind programs like Immune Ready (, MSA, EUCAS and align with supply chains that appropriately value your cattle. Many over the hooks markets will pay on outcome which means achieving weight and fat specifications, meeting or exceeding MSA requirements and complying with any on farm quality assurance programs. That is where we can maximise returns and ensure our customers keep coming back. That is not just messaging from me, that advice comes directly from the companies who will buy your cattle if you meet their requirements. I’m pulling together the program for the Breed Forum we will hold on the 14th of May 2024, the day before the National Show & Sale at Wodonga. I will include as many representatives of these businesses as I can so you can directly engage with them. In the meantime, I recommend getting in touch with your local agent and local buyers to make sure you are across the latest opportunities into these markets.
We are also continuing to benefit from our involvement in a range of competitions that create a platform to communicate the benefits of Hereford cattle. A highlight for me was recently attending a lunch at the Norman Hotel to celebrate Hereford beef. During the Ekka, the Norman Hotel ran a ‘Battle of the Breeds’competition. It was a light hearted event that celebrated the beef industry. Many of the exhibitors at the Ekka attended. Over the course of the Ekka, the general public rated beef from 4 breeds. Hereford beef came out on top. As a result, The Norman ran a promotion through the month of November on Hereford beef. To showcase the supply chain and take the opportunity to connect our seedstock, commercial and quality beef, we had the winners of the stud cattle, commercial cattle and beef supply at the lunch. The full article is in the edition. What a great trifecta as we continue to demonstrate what we can deliver on the plate and in the paddock to all serious beef industry partners.
All the very best for Christmas and I hope the changes in the season and markets continue.
Best regards