Sale date: 6/9/2021
Number offered: 35
Number sold: 35
Top price: $29,000
Average price: $11,142
Name of top priced animal: Jarrah Fortune Q236 (PP)
Sire of top priced animal: Injemira Fortune M152 (PP)
Purchaser of top priced animal: Doug and Amanda Burnett, Burnett Enterprises.
Sale comments: Jarrah Genetics 2021 Bull Sale saw repeat buyers driving the sale to a new record top price and sale average.
From the beginning of our program we aimed to breed Hereford bulls that not only survive in the north, but thrive. This is what drove the sale, return buyers knowing that Jarrah bulls perform in the north and compliment their Bos Indicus or British based female herds.
On top of repeat buyers we welcomed a new clients who had been following our program and wanting to add northern bred Herefords into their herd.
Top priced bull was Super Sire Jarrah Fortune Q236 (PP) who sold to Doug and Amanda Burnett. The Burnett’s will use Q236 in their bull breeding operation to then supply genetics for their commercial operation and outside clients. Semen will be marketed in the Super Sire.
We thank all buyers and under bidders.
Jarrah Fortune Q236 sold for $29,000 to Doug and Amanda Burnett.