Sale date: 7/05/2021
Number offered: 29 bulls, 40 PTIC commercial Heifers, 25 commercial cows & calves
Number sold: 25 bulls, all females sold
Top price: $12000 for bulls, cows & calves $4125, heifers $ 2875
Average price: Bulls $6875 , cows $4070, heifers $2475
Name of top priced animal: Stanford Quasimodo Q167
Sire of top priced animal: Croft-Ambrey Talisman M007
Purchaser of top priced animal: Ralph Burgess, Rosehill, Lyndhurst 2797
Sale comments: Very strong sale throughout with heifer bulls to the fore averaging $8940. Three bulls made $10000, all being heifer bulls to the one buyer, Boomey Park, Larrass Lee, NSW. Females sold to buyers across the State. Six bulls have been sold since the sale.
Stanford Quasimodo Q167 sold for $6875 to Ralph Burgess.