Sale date: 27th of October 2018
Number offered: 19
Number sold: 19/19
Top price: $2100.00
Average price: $1500.00
Name of top priced animal: Santarna Lass LLGN031.
Sire of top priced animal: Rayleight Juggernaut J54
Purchaser of top priced animal: Barties Creek, Osterley.
Sale comments: Although we had a smaller offering of females this year due to the seasonal conditions affecting most of the state and country, we ended up with a 100% clearance rate. The agents from Bowe and Lidbury were very pleased with the success of the sale considering the big dry we’ve all been through recently and are currently still facing.
- Cows and Calves sold to a top of $1750.00 – Lot 1.
- PTIC Females sold to a top of $2000.00 – Lot 4.
- Heifers sold to a top of $2100.00 – Lot 16.
The females were judged in their 3 respective age classes. Our judge for the day was Mr. Mark Newell, Manager of Hunter Lakes Poll Herefords, Richmond Vale NSW.
Senior Champion Female: Lot 1- Debarry Lass DB C22 with bull calf at foot. Price- $1750.00
Intermediate Champion Female: Lot 12- Moorine Ursula SCEM009. Price – $1500.00
Junior Champion Female: Lot 17- Riverwood Lass JLGN040. Price-$1700.00