Sale Date: Friday 23rd February 2018
No. Offered: 37
No. Sold: 31
Average Price: $7532
Top Price: $22,000
Name of Top Price Animal: Glendan Park Mason M106 (H)
Sire of Top Price Animal: Warringa Google G023 (H)
Purchaser of Top Price Animal: Ross Trethowan, Cookardinia, NSW
Sale Comments: Solid result, with bulls going to new and existing buyers. Bulls went to all areas of Victoria, as well as NSW, SA and Tasmania.
Other Sale highlights include:
Lot 9 GP Masterpiece M049 (P) $13,000 to MJ Herefords, Leongatha.
Lot 2 GP Mojo M028 (H) $13,000 to Mooree Partnership, Harrow, Vic (Mooree Part. also purchased Lot 1 and Lot 8 to average $10166 for 3 bulls)
Lot 5 GP Mr Trust M051 (P) $12,000 to Glen Ewan Pastoral, Balranald, NSW
Lot 32 GP Malibu M128 (P) $11,000 to J & TM McCormack, Molesworth, Vic
Lot 37 GP Millennium M156 (P) $11,000 to Glenwarrah Hereford Stud, Bundarra, NSW (Glenwarrah also purchased Lot 15 for $9,500)
Lot 4 GP Milwaukee M019 (P) $10,000 to Jamena Poll Herefords, Tasmania
Thanks to all Buyers, Underbidders, Agents and Staff.
Glendan Park Mason M106 – Top priced animal at the 5th Annual Glendan Park Sale, selling for $22,000 to Ross Trethowan, Cookardinia, NSW.