Days Globetrotter L107 shot straight to the top at the 2016 Adelaide Royal, taking out the junior and grand champion bull, and supreme Hereford exhibit.
Shown by Lachy and Lou Day, Days Whiteface, Bordertown, SA, the June 2015 drop bull was sired by Days Elaborate J59 and out of Days Blissful J25.
Mr Day said the 545kg bull would be either offered at the Wodonga or Dubbo Nationals, or retained as a stud sire.
“He has tremendous carcass, a strong top and good structure,’’ he said.
The bull scanned at 10mm on the rump and 9mm on the rib with a 103sqcm eye muscle area.
The whiteface classes were judged on September 2 by Ben Davies, Wodonga, Vic.
The Day family also exhibited the junior and grand champion female, Days Iris L307, a May 2015 drop daughter of Days Robin Hood H38, and reserve junior champion bull, Days Exclusive L182.
Also sired by Days Robin Hood, the 485kg bull scanned at 7mm on the rump, 5mm on the rib and with an 83sqcm eye muscle area.
Days won the pair of bulls, male and female pair, sire’s progeny group (by Days Robin Hood) and breeders group to be named as the most successful Hereford exhibitor.
The Wilson family, Kerlson Pines Poll Herefords, Keith, SA, exhibited the reserve junior champion female, Kerlson Pines Last Day L24, and senior champion female, Kerlson Pines Annie J17, while Urrbrae Agricultural High School showed the reserve senior champion female.
Days Whiteface exhibited the supreme Hereford exhibit, Days Globetrotter L107,
at the 2016 Adelaide Royal. Sashing the bull is sponsor Stuart Aldington,
with judge Ben Davies, Wodonga, and handler Keeley Murch, Bordertown, SA.
Image Wayne Jenkins.
The grand champion female, Days Iris L307, at the 2016 Adelaide Royal Show was led by Eva Day, Days Whiteface, Bordertown. Sashing the heifer is sponsor David Davies, Maitland, SA, with judge Ben Davies, Wodonga, Vic. Image by Wayne Jenkins
The junior champion Hereford bull, Days Globetrotter L107, at the 2016 Adelaide Royal was exhibited by Days Whiteface and led by Keeley Murch, Bordertown. Tom Penna, Elders Stud Stock, SA, sashed the bull with judge Ben Davies, Wodonga, Vic. Image Wayne Jenkins.
Jeremy Black, Rydges South Park, Adelaide, sashes the reserve champion senior female led by James Alexander, Mt Barker, SA, and exhibited by Urrbrae Agricultural High School, at the 2016 Adelaide Royal Show. Image Wayne Jenkins.